Teresa Gasiorowska

Syncretic diary that is not accidental. Guiding from Egypt

A trip to Egypt did not exist in my travel plans. The pandemic successfully tame my appetite for trips to new, unknown places and moved them to other regions – completely different: inside myself – to spiritual dimension. The last of my and my husband’s trips “around the world” was a beautiful and unforgettable trip to Brazil and Argentina with Prestige Office Travel Agency in March 2020, when we felt the breath of the pandemic on our backs, escaping it all the way through then already closed borders of Poland, to return finally to the two-week quarantine inside of our own home.

In June, a large group of people, led by Iwona Rudnik, appeared in my town, Borówna, for a few days. Well, another group that implements its program, about which I knew nothing and I did not know any of the participants. I did not go into details, dealing with my own affairs related to the agritourism. However, I was invited to participate in the classes. This happened to me before, but previously it did not bind me to any of the groups on a permanent basis … and here things turned out differently. Suddenly I felt part of this group – not asking anyone for permission. And maybe that’s why when Joanna announced the date and program of the trip to Egypt and left the list to sign up for this trip on the table – I did it without realizing it, without the slightest hesitation, as if the “thing” had been decided long ago.

Apparently, the “Universe” thought about it itself, and here I am. Hurghada, in the room I am with Beata – first unknown to me, then known and close. Than came our Renaissance ship and first tour of Luxor and Karnak.

We visit Abydos, and then heading to Cairo, to see on the route the other Temples of Light. We were with Hathor in Dendera, with Horus in Edfu, with Sobek and Horus the Elder in KomObo, with Isis on Philae, near Elephantine, with Ramses and Nefertari in Abu Simbel. Finally, we are left to see Giza and Saqqara in conjunction with Memphis.

When it was possible, we were meditating in groups, subgroups or individually, everywhere “attacked” by insistent sellers, where the limit of purchase was ultimately “one dollar”, although the price started from the ceiling, e.g. thirty dollars…. Well, that’s what Egypt is like for a tourist – every thing or souvenir does not have its real price, but the value that the tourist is willing to pay for it.

Knowing all this, we made mistakes anyway, because the amok we were in, wanting to bring souvenirs from the trip for family and all our friends, does not know the borders and our suitcases swelled dangerously, raising concerns about the airport excess baggage. And at every step there were, often not entirely fair, surprises, and this also had to be factored into the risk of this journey. However, if our intentions were pure and true, then nothing could spoil our contact with this extraordinary culture. Eventually I’ve learned, that we came to Egypt not only for another “sip” of antiquity, but with the mission initiated by the Wisdom of Nations Foundation in 2011, about which initially, I knew nothing when I made the decision to leave.

I have learned a bit thanks to reading books by Andrzej Wójcikiewicz (Awakening Cheops, Fifth Dimension – Future Here and Now) although I know that this knowledge is as small as a thimble and as if it is not about assimilating its enormity, in my case it is all about, because who can embrace it with the right thought and understanding if he/she knows it only from textbooks or films and not from personal contact with it. However, I felt the atmosphere of the world of archeology, excavations, connections in the space of these countless and at the same time non-accidental events, places, meanings and symbols and I deepened it by participating in the “Pyramids and Cosmos” Conference in Wroclaw, Poland, whose Speakers have been my idols and unsurpassed fanatics in the field of topics presented there. But I kept asking myself where my presence in this planned event came from? And the more I knew, the more I was surprised where I came from in this plan.

When we were practicing our positioning – while still on the ship – I also didn’t think why I should stand in the place that was shown to me – in accordance with the message from Basmat. I stood. Inside, Inga – Flower of Life – the only one of the four from the 2011 Ceremony, four women – female energy – including me, four men – male energy and protection for this place, Christian in the Sarcophagus, Andrzej next to him and everyone else in connected energy circles according to the sacred geometry of Metatron’s cube, all to open the gate to the Fifth Dimension for physical people, so that they can find themselves in the most beautiful of their lives, if they want to achieve their awakening.

“When the Ark of the Covenant was in the Great Pyramid in the days of Moses – everyone who came there could check their past, present and future in one moment and connect with all dimensions” – this is what Isis says.

Today we wish that the Celebration that we are going to do “will strengthen the energy of love in people, which will make them difficult to manipulate, and the spark of love from you, from the Pyramid will flow to every physical being through the space of water, air, fire and earth” – so it is explains St. Germain. Inga will lead the meditation to activate the energy of love in the Pyramid and in the Ark at the same time and will raise each of us and open the Golden Gate of the Fifth Dimension.

I repeat these words with my Spiritual Friends as I participate in this extraordinary moment – as deeply as my heart can lift it, and my unconditional love extends to the entire cosmos. I swim in the colors of yellow, green and dark blue, among which there is also red, violet and shimmering white.

And I don’t know which colors take precedence over others, because they are constantly in motion – they open, close, flow in front of and behind each other. I am following Inga’s words and I am also looking for a place among them for my late husband, because I came here also for him. But I myself am only feeling and experiencing something wonderful, and I do not know when the time devoted to meditation passes and I am surprised that this is the end, although everything lasted both long and shortly at the same time as if I had lost my measure and sense of what time is, even though I have been communing with it for a while.

When the meditation is over – tears of happiness and joy flow in our arms. We laugh, we greet, everyone in their own way says that they have experienced extraordinary moments and that this moment unites us again and triggers a sense of fulfillment.

Inga makes a “bird” on my forehead, as if she was opening my third eye and this impression is still with me, and Christian. Well … I don’t know how to convey it … I saw him in the hotel for the first time and he was the last to take me in his arms after meditation…. and I don’t know if it was him – as him, or him – as the Messenger who brought me my Husband’s breath and shared it with me. Long, strong, extremely warm and masculine and reminded me in this common dance of breaths that not only were these once our truly shared moments, but they still are and will always be. I wrote a poem about this experience: “Breath of the Pyramid”.

It appears in your inhale

And in my exhale

It comes back in my inhale

And in your exhale

It is mine, and yours

It is yours and mine

I share and connect

I connect and share

And peace flows over me

Like a revelation

Like a prayer to your breast

Hips, legs and feet

In a firm embrace

I climb on my toes

To reach your mouth

… and the camera remembers a photo not permitted by the regulations – against the wall of the chamber, with our heads bowed towards each other, in which it is difficult to recognize whether Christian was really him or someone who came and introduced me to this photo.

And my heart? When I leaned over the sarcophagus to look inside it, it just “jumped” inside. After returning from Egypt, it is difficult for me to come back to reality, because it is different than it was before my departure.

Halina said that it is difficult for us to materialize again. But the point is also that each moment changes us into somebody else, other than what we were just then. And it is our happiness and misfortune at the same time. Happiness – when we walk serenely, joyfully and confidently along our new path. Unhappiness, when we keep looking back, we compare and reflect. So I implant into my mind and heart the words of Adamus Saint-Germain: “I AM WHO I AM”, so often repeated in meditation. Now I understand more deeply their meaning and message.

Thank you all for the wonderful presence in my life. At the time when it all happened I, myself, was becoming it.

Teresa Gąsiorowska


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