Virus without the corona – Message 2020

The author of the Book of Knowledge – Keys of Enoch, dr. J.J. Hurtak and his wife, dr. Desiree Hurtak forwarded to us the text below. For some, the text may seem too “spiritual” and not practical in times of financial crisis and everyday problems associated with the virus. In the opinion of our Foundation, it fits into the very essence of the current crisis, trying to draw attention to our protective internal mechanisms that we are able to activate as human beings and Beings of Light, which we actually are. Of course, the point is not to parade thoughtlessly the streets of cities thinking: “since I am a being of light and no virus will touch me”, but to include the awareness of this internal power which Mr. & Mrs. Hurtak call the Holy Spirit Energy and include this awareness in all other preventive activities that we use every day. The suggested activities are:

Activities at the physical level

We know that an excellent protection against infection is to strengthen your immune system. According to Mrs. Beata Peszko, who is the pharmacist and author of books such as: Vitamins My Journey to Health, Health from A to Z, I Choose Health, in the current situation it is suggested to use large doses of vitamin C-1000 and vitamin D3. As for vitamin C, it should be acid-free, levorotatory and with prolonged action. The recommended daily dose is 2000 mg (two tablets: one in the morning, after a meal and the other in the evening after a meal).

The herb discovered by Polish priest, Father Klimuszko, is a great strengthening of the immune system. Its Latin name is: Chelidonii Herba and it is growing widely in many countries in Europe. It can be purchased it in many herbal stores in Poland under name of “Glistnik”. One package lasts for over a month. It is suggested to drink it in the form of a tea (one teaspoon per glass of boiling water) in the morning and evening for 3 months. You can repeat this treatment after a year.

A Supplement Ki based on an Old Sumerian recipe containing gold, rock crystal and magnesium can also be very helpful. Gold has a strong antibacterial and antiviral effect. In addition to physical it also has a holistic effect. It is a unique on a global scale specimen produced in Poland.

Action at the mental level

Each of us is a being containing light that has its own vibrations. When people are in panic, afraid, they worry – the light vibrates at a lower frequency and we are more susceptible to illness. Anxiety is not a good advisor. Of course you have to take care of yourself and the restrictions introduced in many countries make sense. Nonetheless, daily meditation is a great boost to your immune system. Even 5 or 10 minutes (but every day) can work wonders.During meditation, you can repeat affirmations such as:
* Every day in every way I feel better, better and better;
* My body and my mind are always in perfect health;
* My immune system is in perfect health and perfectly functioning.

Meditative techniques can be taught in workshops such as: The Silva Method, Meditation TM, Yoga, Huna, Heart-brain Coherence, etc. The form of meditation is also deep prayer, contact with Divine Beings at home or in the church, which at the same time becomes a spiritual activity, described in the article below.

Andrzej Wojcikiewicz

We need to Seek a Higher Faith rather than a World-Wide Fear

Much of the world media is pushing humanity into a psychology of fear rather than an understanding how we are to use our greater powers of higher consciousness to overcome negative realities. This is what a Living Faith is all about! The bottom line: Be practical and cautious, but most importantly, be daily renewed through the indwelling power of your Higher Self. In daily practice, we are to be both cautious and co-creative in the way we can share the daily bread, without caving in to a life style of fear that would diminish the opportunity to fully use our gifts of positive psychology and sociology, even in the face of danger!


Those of you who have traveled to India, Africa or even parts of South America, know that 1/4 of the population in those areas live with some type of illness and are on the front lines of near-starvation, intensified by environmental changes and lack of non-renewable resources, including fresh water. Also be aware that this is only the first of the new challenges we will be facing in the coming years.

By understanding and using the limitless energies from a higher spectrum of Life, connected directly with the Shekinah Glory, the Language of Light and the Sacred Scriptures, we can be as Mother Teresa, who had no fear of going into the places of India that had leprosy, cholera and other deadly diseases.

Of course, we need to be vigilant, but instead of focusing on just the virus, see the “Corona discharge” – the paraphysical term for the ‘bio-photonic discharge of light’ energy that naturally comes off your body (according to Dr. Marcel Vogel and Dr. Richard Gerber, who had both studied The Keys of Enoch®). We are really light beings and when you let the Divine Energy flow into your body and mind you are fused with the Holy Spirit in bringing forth a renewing power of the Divine. You are also protected. If you feel the need, call upon Michael, the Christ or any power of the Divine your directly wish to connect to — stay centered in the Light.

Let us make a commitment to be fused with ‘the Light’ that comes by the use of Prayer and the Divine Names of the Christ and the Holy Spirit (Heb.: Ruach Ha Kodesh). Indeed, let us bring comfort, hope, understanding and protection into our communities with the power of Prayer, to transform those who are living in fear and darkness. Let us say together:

Ruach Ha Kodesh Christou

At this moment let us be one with the Holy Spirit, who is totally aware of all that is unfolding within and around us. Only Higher Divine Guidance can truly help each of us with the problems we have, and will be, facing with planetary changes. This is the opportunity to awaken our inner Faith and Strength. Planetary changes include viruses and other plagues, as mentioned in the Bible, which will continue to be felt, but remember, the people of Faith lived through them all.

Now is the time to activate your Living Faith that provides you insights and, ultimately, provides you with Eternal Life and the joy of using the “Gifts” from on High, rather than a life of fear of the shadows of Death. Let us be the Light, the Love and share the Power of our Faith, understanding the Power of the Divine. Psalm 51 reminds us to ask for Divine help as it says: “… Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me….

Be as Mother Teresa and do not deny the OUTPOURING of the Power and Gifts of the Holy Spirit in your life! Be Blessed and be Strong in the power of God’s Word speaking within you,

Pax Vobiscum/Peace be with you

Drs. J.J. and Desiree Hurtak


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