Continuation of the session with Basmat on July 23, 2022 (9)


Are the lifetimes that are sometimes shown in a riberthing session actually ours?

Mary Magdalene:
They can be your, they could also be people very close to you because we do not always perceive only our lives. We often pick up someone who is very close to us. If we have been in some place, something happened to someone, he/she left, died, and we saw it, then we can accept it as ours, although it is not always ours. The proximity of this event makes it memorable. You have to feel it. If you are comfortable with it, then assume it is yours.

Is it not that this is our last incarnation, and you will lead us late at our request immediately to the “Headquarters”, or somewhere else higher?

Let’s leave alone the “Headquarters” – no matter what we call it – but it is the human who, if he/she leaves his/her body here, should not be afraid of death. If he/she is not afraid – than is able to distinguish a place where he/she can stay in these spaces, rest and stay, and not to come back to the circle: return and coming. Some people think that the time of karma is over – and it’s true. This is not our oracle. This is something you can change. It is the Light that people see as they pass by – it is not meant to be a search for Light – it is a feeling. Relatives who appear, they are often in a place where you do not want to go, so let’s not go there because we liked our grandmother or grandfather, but let’s choose ourselves. Let us decide that “in my life here that this is my last life and I do not want to return to this space” – and our energy will not flow to the place where there is a turn of departures and returns.

If someone becomes an Ascended Master, will he/she take his/her body to heaven?


And what will he/she do with this body up there?

It is in a different form. The body from the carbon form becomes a crystalline body and then it is possible to ascend with the body. The form of the body changes and can therefore be elevated.

How will it be seen by others who will not be able to experience it?

You will be seen moving with your body space, which is what you look like, and they will feel that there is nothing there. I think some people will not understand what is happening, they will look for someone they think is missing – and he/she will raise his/her body.

Are there many such cases?

There is a number that says it will be few people. You can count on thousands.

Since time supposedly does not exist, everything happens in the same moment, so can we have our incarnations in parallel? Can we live parallelly in two different bodies?

If a being is very strong, it can live in several people. but these are different, new people. This soul of him or her remembers perfectly well that, for example she was Mary Magdalene or anyone else and this person has the right to say that one lives in the United States, the other, for example, in Poland, the third in the Czech Republic, and these three people know very well that they were Mary Magdalene.

Knowing that we have had different lifetimes that have ended, is the reincarnation process going from one to the other or, if the lifetimes are at the same time, then each part of the soul has a separate path? Am I today the resultant of all my previous incarnations?

A soul perfectly remembers all lives. In fact – each of you had about a thousand, or maybe more incarnations, and the soul remembers them perfectly well, but those strong lives, those very high lives that you had, cause that they have an impact on here and now, and hence the memory of the soul picks it up and passes on for you to know about them.

Are there also future incarnations in this memory?

If so, you and your spirit choose it, but it should be your choice.

But supposedly so far the whole cycle of reincarnation like a hamster in a cage was because we were being taken over. Is there no longer this risk now?

With people with high energies it won’t be possible to do it, but with human beings who are lost – I have to say this, with human beings who are very bothered by religion – it’s hard for me to even say this because I wish it were otherwise, it causes it, that they are scared, scared and decide to do something that is not their decision. No one has the right to force an energetically elevated person to go in a different direction and to make decisions that are not his/her decisions. This does not apply to these people anymore. This does not apply to people who are high energy, that is, spiritual people who know who they are.

To be continued…


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