A Quantum Vacuum Engineering Primer

By Mark Porringa

The term Quantum Vacuum Engineering was evidently first coined by Nobel Laureate, T.D.  Lee who conjectured that the energetic vacuum of space might some day be engineered to provide fantastic new technologies of science fiction fantasy.  That day is now here and the   QVac Engineering revolution is about to begin in earnest as we learn to engineer the all pervasive matter-vacuum interaction to provide fuelless power systems, gravity control, reactionless propulsion, low energy nuclear reactions and much, much more.

Quantum Vacuum (QVac) engineering is accomplished in two fundamental ways via Coherence and Interference interactions between matter and the Zero-Point Field of local Space.  Both phenomena alter the energy distribution of the otherwise random, isotropic ZPE of the vacuum, producing cyclic transients, which alter the dynamic equilibrium of the energy flow between matter and the Quantum Vacuum.

Engineered Transient States

While conventional closed system engineering considers transient states undesirable and very often too difficult to analyze accurately, padding their superficial closed system analysis with liberal fudge factors, the QVac engineer purposely creates rapidly cycling non-linear transient in order to alter the dynamic equilibrium state between matter and the vacuum.  This is still very much a trial and error process given that the matter vacuum interaction is not well understood.  Many QVac engineered devices have in fact been created serendipitously while the inventor was intending to accomplish a more mundane outcome within the realms of conventional engineering.

Coherence phenomena are characterized by radial or multilateral implosions of the ZPF toward a point, plane or microscopic volume of space resulting in a momentary coherent flow of ZPE radiation using variations of the Casimir effect as exhibited in Cavitation bubble collapse, Sonoluminescence, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics, Hydrogen Oxide implosion and other means. The coherent flow of predominately longitudinal (scalar) ZPE is consequently transduced into conventional transverse thermal radiations through interactions with matter or directly through scalar wave interference.

This energy is either released as heat, or used to perform endothermic chemical, electrical, atomic, nuclear, nucleon (subnuclear) and negatron/positron (sub-nucleon) reactions with matter or used to initiate exothermic reactions in same.  Energy yields predictably escalate with each diminishingly smaller level of material interaction in keeping with the fact that the energy per photon is inversely proportional to its wavelength.   Coherence phenomena can be symmetric or asymmetric.

Asymmetric interactions additionally give rise to distorted gravitational and inertial fields causing anomalies with gravity and inertial forces, propelling the material system without any material reaction medium evident.  This constitutes field effect, reactionless propulsion based in the realization that gravity and inertia are fundamentally due to the matter-vacuum interaction and that mass is neither a fundamental nor immutable property of matter.  Matter has in fact zero mass unless it is in accelerated motion in accordance with Newton’s equation (m=F/a) with respect to the background ZPE universal reference frame.

Interference interactions generally utilize scalar wave transmissions from specially design generators to alter the local ZPE distribution of space so as to cause constructive or destructive effects with the background ZPE usually in the presence of matter.  Matter itself constitutes a continuous vortex coherence of ZPE according to the Lattice Nested Hydreno Atomic model and similar theories.  Any matter present in such a scalar field can be altered dramatically, causing reactionless forces, alterations in atomic and nuclear structure and transducing the scalar, tempic energy of the vacuum into conventional 3-space transverse radiations that can be used to perform useful work or provide heat.

Scalar wave generators typically utilize counteracting EM Fields which cancel the transverse EM waves of conventional electromagnetics through mutual opposition resulting in predominantly longitudinal, scalar waves with superluminal propagation velocity.  Scalar wave generators take the form of counter-wound bifilar coils, caduseus coils, smith coils, opposed sandwhich conductors and the like in order to produce the requisite opposed fields.  Two or more scalar wave generators can be utilized in Scalar wave Interferometry to produce precisely targeted interference phenomena at a distance in a defined volume of space with potentially catastrophic or beneficial effects depending on the frequency and intensity.

QVac Engineering Fields

Within the broad field of QVac engineering various sub-specialties are readily evident though the lines of distinction between them are frequently very fuzzy due to the more fundamental science involved.   These specialties include QVac electrical, mechanical, chemical and nuclear engineering.  Examples of QVac electromagnetic devices include the Motionless Electromagnetic Generator of Thomas Beardon and associates; the permanent magnet or super high efficiency motors of Tewari.  Field Effect, reactionless propulsion is also accomplished with high voltage, asymmetric capacitors and other electronic means which produce an asymmetry in the quantum vacuum flux creating a reactionless force on the material system which produces the effect.

Mechanical devices include a broad class of reactionless drives, which generally transduce cyclic, angular momentum transients to linear momentum resulting in rectilinear motion without a material reaction medium such as water, air or rocket propellant required.  The reaction force is instead provided by an asymmetric coherence of the ZPE relative to the transient motion of the angular momentum element of the mechanical system.   This includes the EZKL drive of Brandon Thornson and numerous other variants in the patent literature.  QVac mechanical devices also include various motor designs, which utilize transients in the atomic bond forces in elastic materials such as spring steel.  Continuous running, self-winding,  spring-powered motors requiring no material fuel are consequently possible in accordance with the Lattice Nested Hydreno Atomic model and do in fact already exist in several variations.

Chemical Engineering devices include several different electrolysis systems, generally using high frequency resonance and harmonics to produce far more combustible gas or heat than the electrical energy input supplied.  This includes the Water fuel cell of the late Stanley Meyers; advanced Brown’s gas electrolizers, the JOE cell, Calcium Carbonate cells and other variants.  Chemical engineering applications also include the production of exotic materials with engineered valence configurations to produce light weight ultra-strong bonded materials such as those produced by Randal Mills and company based on fractional quantum states of hydrogen, referred to as Hydrinos.

Nuclear Engineering applications include deterministic, low energy induced nuclear fusion and cold fission reactions that are used to stabilize radioactive wastes, transform toxic heavy metals to more useful substances.  Conventional Fission and fusion reactions are fundamentally due to the destruction of the coherent vortex structure of matter despite the superficial assertions of nuclear physicists that choose to disregard the energetic nature of the Quantum Vacuum.  The wanton destruction and destabilization of matter in conventional fission reactors needs to be stopped within the next decade or so and replaced with environmentally sound QVac Power systems.  Conventional hot fusion reactors should also be abandoned for the same reasons.

Scientific Fundamentals

Oddly enough, the underlying Scientific fundamentals lag well behind the engineering applications due to the collective ignorance of the energetic nature of the vacuum, which although very well established within Quantum field theory is generally dismissed by the majority of flat earth scientists.  The academic scientific world in typical fashion has been slow to catch on but some progress is slowly becoming evident as they begin to apply themselves to the arduous task of characterizing the matter vacuum interaction in great detail.  This will no doubt occupy scientists for the next few centuries.

The recent development of LNH atomic model will hopefully accelerate the process, given that it also explains a vast compendium of unaccounted for empirical data as well as revealing the underlying geometry of the nucleus that dictates the periodicity of the Table of Elements, one of the greatest unsolved mysteries of science.

Lamentably the most intense research goes on in various top-secret Skunk Works or Black Projects similar in many respects to the Manhattan project, which developed the atomic bomb in a veil of secrecy during WWII.  According to retired Colonel Thomas Beardon, who has extensive experience in military intelligence, functional Quantum Potential Weapons are being developed in various jurisdictions including Russia, China, Mexico with Israel apparently leading the pack.

The United States is woefully behind having recently tried to strike Nicola Tesla from the official historic record at the Smithsonian Institute, in yet another blatant act of US arrogance. Not an insignificant event, given that Tesla was singularly responsible for the modern power grid and all three phase electrical machinery, not to mention having the official unit of magnetic field strength named in his honour.  Tesla’s, research in Scalar Electromagnetic Waves, now well over a century old, is the basis of most of the recent developments with Scalars.

It is of course easy to see how this range of technologies is key to bringing the poorest nations up to acceptable, humane standards of living. Portable, modular, Micro-infrastructure projects requiring no conventional fuel source will bring power, transportation, clean water, irrigation, sanitation and working capital to even the remotest villages in the poorest of nations in an unprecedented global wave of humanitarian projects with seed capital provided by the industrialized nations and philanthropists with very deep pockets.

The industrialized nations will eventually follow suit in a massive retrofit of existing fossil fuelled infrastructure and equipment despite their technological inertia and vested interest in maintaining the fossil fuel economy with all its environmental, social and international security implications and consequences. Furthermore, massive desalination, atmospheric water procurement and many other projects can now be undertaken economically without ongoing energy costs to alleviate the growing number of climate change trouble spots around the world.

    Mark Porringa holds a degree in Water Resources Engineering from the University of Guelph, where he worked for four years as Research Engineer on renewable energy and waste treatment projects. He has also worked in the Canadian Automotive Industry in various Product Development and Manufacturing capacities for five years. He is a recipient of a President’s Award of Excellence for the development of a nuclear application leak sealant technology. His fusion research is conducted as a spare time activity under the umbrella of his R&D and consulting company.
    Since 1996, Mark has been investigating a variety of anomalous phenomena including low-energy induced nuclear fusion reactions that have been found to occur in a simple carbon-arc electrolysis cell. Frustrated by the growing limitations of indeterminate science and technology, he applied his personal efforts to the development of various advanced concepts in Quantum mechanics aimed at utilizing the ubiquitous isotropic energy of “empty” space, for a broad range of revolutionary power, propulsion and nuclear technologies including the Passive Inertial Confinement, ZIPP fusion process.
    A key component of this effort has been the development of a new, highly deterministic Atomic model, which very closely corresponds to macroscopic reality. His peer reviewed research has been published in various Journals and Lectures including the Annals of the prestigious Louise de Broglie Foundation and the Canadian Nuclear Society.


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