Continuation of the session with Basmat on July 23, 2022 (11)


After the first Ceremony in Egypt, it was said in one session that there would be times when we would be able to travel astralically, not in the body. The physical body will stay on bed and we, our consciousness, will go to different places. Is it still relevant or is it about our life here today?

You talk about traveling after you have left your body and you come back to your body, you come back from somewhere, from some journey, and you go back into that suit of yours. Yes, it is possible, although this space is just opening up for people.

But will we need it for something here in this life? Will there be such opportunities on the New Earth?

Not. In the space of the New Earth, being new people, you can move in any space, taking your body with you, you won’t have to leave it at all. But here it was more about the fact that someone could not move to some place because it was far away, he could have been there. However, this person is not always able to reach his body afterwards.

Since in the fifth dimension we will not need this question, will we do it in this life or will it be necessary?

St. Germain:
Jeshua traveled in this way, taking the body to different places. If a man cannot take his body, he can move without it, but he should do so with caution. So if he feels comfortable in such movement, going out and entering back into the body, then it is safe for him, but if there is any fear in him, or if he feels uncomfortable when he comes back, he should leave it. At this point, if you activate the high chakras, you can bilocate or take the body away, move in its entirety. On the New Earth it won’t be needed, it is for those who want to do it now, but it should be done wisely.

To be continued…


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