Session with Basmat, March 24, 2022

Session with Isis, Anubis, St. Germain, Jeshua, Metatron, Maria Magdalena, Makeda (Queen of Sheba).
Participants: Basmat, Andrzej Wójcikiewicz
March 24, 2022


Hello, I am very happy to be again with you. I love you very much … the whole group of friends … because you did what we asked. Because happened what was written on the pages of Earth history. Us, Beings of Light, and physical people we were all waiting for this to happen and we are waiting for things to follow.. We are watching and waiting for next steps towards all dimensions – not just the Fifth One you are talking about. To all dimensions.

There is one more Being with us – it is Makeda (Queen of Sheba). I recently told you that I need to search for Makeda’s Prophecies. It is such a thin book with her prophecies about today. I haven’t found it yet, but I promised myself that I would find it and read it today. There is Metatron. He asks us to feel that we are the flowing energy of our heart. Let us feel that we are beautiful flowers on the wonderful lake that surrounds us, as if all the water suddenly bloomed with water lilies.

Mary Magdalene:
Each flower symbolizes each of you, each person on Earth. You are of different colors, but all of a similar shape. Each of you is exceptional.

You said my name today and I felt a recall, and at the same time I knew that women … girls need more support, more sisterly love. More feeling that there is someone who thinks about them, who supports them, who they can count on. I am asking you to meet – with and without an opportunity. Not only you, but all like-minded people. In smaller and larger groups. I am asking you for more contact with each other because people are lonely at times. They won’t always communicate with you through your devices, but they expect someone to remember them. I wish there would come such an earthly time that one by one, even sometimes people who know very little of each other, can support each other. Because then I will be able to say that you are one powerful, beautiful, Light Team. Today some of you are still searching. Sometimes they think they can do more themselves. Only together can you do a lot. You can do anything.

When you say or sing the Names of the Most High (this is about the book of the “Seventy-Two Divine Names of the Most High” by Dr. J.J. Hurtak) you are in the energy of these Names. They were given to people so that they could work with them, so that they could be very high, close to the greater Light.

Basmat did not say that with this time two zero two two (2022) he sees the date two zero two three.

Yes it’s true. I have not told anyone that I do not really understand why I still see 2023. I look at the calendar, I see normal, today’s date, but I see it as if in a year.

What does it mean?

This year has been given for you, for people to work on themselves, but also on the energy of the Earth. This time is very busy for many. But the time of full light is year two zero two three. We are still waiting for every awakened Human Being. We cannot give more earthly time, we cannot allow it. So, I am asking you to talk about meditation, mantras, singing, because this is the time given to every physical, earthly, human soul. For if this earth time is exceeded, this Human Being will have to stay in the dimension in which he/she is. It will take a long time, or it will not be achieved unless it is done in this time on Earth. This Gate will be closed to these people.

What do you mean by “overtime”? What is “exceeding the time”?

This earthly, linear time will no longer be needed by those beings who understood and entered the very high energy of Love and Light. That is why we talked to you about balance, about peace, about calming down. About sitting down and shining for yourself first, then for others, because then we can share it.


How do you see the current situation in terms of what is happening in Ukraine? How do you rate it? What’s really going on there?

St. Germain:
It is as if you can see it in a crooked mirror. I will say this. It was going to happen. All the Masters protected these lands and people from something very difficult. It won’t be a threat, but sometimes it gets out of hand. That is why we asked you to remain unusually calm … Light. The Light in you – that’s enough. Please don’t take sides. I am asking you to give Light to both. There is a lot of politics in it, a lot of very difficult deals from all over the world. I am asking you to pay attention to one more thing. How people are manipulated. First, through something you’ve been through, including closing your mouth, face with a piece of cloth. As if you were covered with sticky tape. Now for what happens. And I would like you to understand this and not be afraid of it. Because if there is awareness and understanding in people, no manipulation will have any effect on you. There are talks on many very high levels and with religions, with politics. Shine your Light – it is enough.

The question that everyone is asking – how will this conflict end?

If there is no fear in you, you will put out the fire, but there should be a lot of people like that … a lot. And here some create profits and money, the energies of wealth, others – the energies of power, and still others are in the energy of fear.

To help create peace and to strengthen the Light energy in these areas, Dr. Hurtak suggests repeating the mantra: “Jahweh shalom, Christos shalom, Shekinah shalom” (English: “Creator of peace, Christ of peace, Holy Spirit of peace”). He suggests repeating this out loud 144 times, for example, once a day or whenever we feel the need to do so.

These mantras have been passed on to people for thousands of years. It was a “golden key” when they were sad, when they couldn’t cope, when they had various troubles, difficulties, when they wanted to rise very high in energy, when they wanted help, heal – then they sang, they repeated them. And then all these Beings are around you when you say these Names. And if they are not around you, their energy is around you. This is the power … the power of the burning word that flows straight from the heart to the space of all people and is perceived in the Supreme Energy.

I understand that the more people meditate, the better the chances of a quick solution to the problem in Ukraine?

St. Germain:
There are the so-called few – let’s say – “great ones”. I said “let’s say” because they consider themselves “great” but they are not great at all. They give themselves the right to take over people and the world. But it won’t work. You cannot manipulate people who are the Light. It cannot be done. That is why we care so much about your development … each of you. Remember that you have everything within you. Let no one tell you that you need something, that you are imperfect in something. We kindly ask you to keep your balance at every moment of the day and time. In one place the earth’s crust will move, in another it will cause a wave, in another place another nature event … Send Light to this place and these people – and that will be enough. Believe in your strength. Tell about yourself that you are good people with beautiful Light so that you can get used to it.


What’s the advice from Makeda? I am very glad that she is here, because it is a special honor for us. I understand this has something to do with the Ark of the Covenant?

I let you be very close to the Ark. This is my beloved place (Ethiopia), my land and country of love. I rock this Ark, I look after it to keep it safe, although its energy is already where it should be, which is the Great Pyramid.

I understand that the energy that we transferred to the Great Pyramid during meditation in October 2021 continues to spread throughout the Planet thanks to the energy of all the pyramids that exist. Is this energy not able to calm down all the conflicts that are dominating today?

We told you that this your time on Earth two zero two two will be difficult. That you have to go through it, that you cannot surrender to anything, that there will be many disturbances related to nature. Therefore, I am asking you to look at it in such a way that there are places that this energy vortex must touch … it should touch. Maybe this place and the people who are there have not yet managed to get to the vibrations that they should come to in this time of your earthly life. We told you that those who don’t understand will have to go, or they will have to stay here in these vibrations.

The less you read and learn about these difficult topics, the better it is for you. Your mind creates – sometimes in fear. So try to be in places where you can rest, try to meet people who will not create fear or worry in you, to sit by the fire, dance, sing, just be together. Even stay in silence.

See – it’s just like sometimes one of us was assigned a role, not always in line with what we were doing or performing. Can Anubis be feared? (Anubis smiled) Of course not, but some people, instead of thinking that he is helping people make the transition, often perceive him as negative. This is just a misunderstanding. Just keep your trust.

They are afraid of death …

Yes, be aware and trust yourself. It’s enough.


Isis – you said at the beginning that we should have contact with all dimensions, not just the Fifth Dimension. What do you mean? How are we to understand this?

On your earthly solstices, all the gates are opened. The wheels of the gate open … all dimensions and spaces open. Portals are opening. That is why it is important that you meet at this time. Yes, because it’s not all about the Fifth Dimension. All dimensions are ahead of you. It will be your choice that you make.

I understand that we can physically reach only the Fifth Dimension?

Yes, you can physically be in the Fifth Dimension, but you can choose the dimension you want to be in.

How different is reality in the Fifth Dimension from what I described in my book, THE FIFTH DIMENSION – FUTURE HERE AND NOW as my improvisation?

Andrzej, you described it in a very practical way. I don’t think it’s much different, because I want to say that everything you wrote is there. Health … youth … prosperity … materialization of all goals, desires … love … and at the same time being with this person or with those friends with whom you want to be together. You only create positive events. This is the so-called – as you say – Heaven on Earth. Fifth Dimension – there is no disease there, no aging of the body. This is the place where everyone has the right to be happy. That’s how you described this place. You have described them very accurately and faithfully, but I would like to remind you that you can choose any dimension because it does not end with the Fifth Dimension. When someone wants to live a physical life – they can be in it. He/she can also choose any other dimension.


Jeshua, how do you rate our current Pope?

Please, let me not judge him. I leave it to you people. I do not judge, I look at the deads. Sometimes someone is on a road that twists, but sometimes he finds it back and walks along it like a straight road. I can only count on the fact that the truth will also be found in this place.

Thank you very much for your answer.


Thank you to Isis, Makeda, Mery Magdalena, Metatron. Thank you Anubis … Thank you Jeshua … thank you beloved for being here … thank you for your guiding us, that you are with us, that you look after us, that you are our Sisters and Brothers. We love you and thank you.


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