Session with Basmat, December 11, 2021

Session December 11, 2021
Isis, Anubis, St. Germain, Jeshua (Jesus), Metatron,
Mary Magdalene
Participants: Basmat, Andrzej Wójcikiewicz


Isis asks us to look up and a disc appears there. Disk is small and she says this:

I wanted the thanks for you to come not from us, when we are here, but from Someone Above … So I am asking you to listen to the sound … so metallic … so different … Andrzej, emerald team that was created in energy Emerald Covenant. We thank you for being and organizing the trip and Celebration in the Great Pyramid of Love. What has happened is what will lead you to the New Earth, but also to the people who are ready for it. At this point in earth physical time, all the pyramids, including those on other planets, were reunited, and the Ark of Love is already energetically inside. Your human physical, earthly hands and hearts made what was written on Earth and in Heaven happened to happen. We give you a big thank you – to the entire team.

The disk flew over to you and me. Metatron turned his hand up and the disc disappeared.

Now I can say, on my behalf, that I am so proud of you and that I am very grateful to you. The Ark’s energy is back where it has always been. Andrzej, you asked what now? What’s next? I will say this. The Ark of Love was supposed to go back to its place – and it did come back, but it will be taken higher. Much … much higher. I was with you during the earlier conversation. What Ela’s female voice spoke about – is a different chest (we were talking about the so-called “Gabriel’s Ark” – conversation with Ela Wierzchowska). This is not the Ark of Love. Many such crates had been created, and everyone thought his was the right one. I am asking you to thank each one and all of your group, these 33 people for the gift of their love for people and for the New Earth – from us.

St. Germain:
As we looked at you in this place so close to us, you and we were one energy. We were all there … we were so many beautiful Beings. Your energy was picked up by Iwona (Stankiewicz) – at the top … passing it on to us. It was united energy of love flowing from you, to us. Unconditional love. Looking at you, at this love, on your faces, eyes, hearts, I went to the place behind the “sarcophagus” (as you call it), which is the place of the Ark of Love towards the entrance, so that the destiny of this event, this Celebration, which took place so that people, nature and animals could be truly happy here and now.

As we came out of the Great Pyramid after the Celebration, there were beautiful wings outside with a dove inside. It was amazing. What is this supposed to symbolize?

Victory of Light and Love. I wanted you to see this. I wanted you to feel what Event you are participating in so quietly, so far from publicity, and with such a beautiful energy of love, the highest vibration. Now is the time of the female energy. This dove in the middle is the time of women, the time of Shekinah energy, and may the wings continue on your way to the highest vibrations of Light until you become Light yourself.

What an important event it was, this Celebration, if nothing could be said about it. We probably did not fully realize how important it is. I’m not saying we, which is you and me, but some of the people who were with us in the group.

I guessed that it must have been important since Christian in the sarcophagus, me, Inga and all the other people in a special arrangement. I was wondering if we had caused some kind of disturbance, because we were all inside, not part outside and part inside?

No Andrzej. Everything was as it should have been. Our plan in the “Metatron Arrangement” was to be inside and outside. This Celebration was to be the “closing moment”. That is why it was placed inside and outside, because outside people who passed by would feel the call. All those who would be on the plateau would not have to be close to the Pyramid at all, they would have to feel what is happening by summoning them to the energy of Light. That is why we wanted it to be inside and outside. Danuta used the word (during your conversations) that the energy of the group in the Pyramid is important. Everyone was equally important. This group that was supposed to be outside was a very strong energy, because this group was to watch over the energy that was going to flow into the Pyramid, to those people who were going to be inside. So you were one team and one energy. However, when you did it inside, everything happened, but this impulse to people came only from all the pyramids. He was a bit different, but I don’t perceive any changes. Everything happened as it should have happened. The human impulse (why am I talking about this) is more human digestible than the impulse of the pyramids and hence the idea that you should be here and there. But those people who were ready – received this impulse of pyramids.

This sign in heaven was very important for us. After all, we could go out and see nothing.

Yes, it was a confirmation for those of us who were in the Chamber, and for all who are interested in spirituality that it all makes sense, that it is not just “art for the sake of art”. Oh, a few people will meditate, but it won’t change anything anyway.

I don’t know if you noticed that Egyptian guards were also pointing at him.

Yes, I think they too were very touched by what they saw and felt.


Does what is called “Gabriel’s Ark” really exist?

There is a chest that has a device within it, but it is not a power device. This chest has a device in it that can be manipulated, people can be disturbed by vibration, can be harmed.

Who produced it?

This device was made of various materials that were available in written form and named it with energy of a beautiful Angel. There are many devices in the basement of the Vatican. Today’s Vatican.

Is this chest we’re talking about really somewhere in the waters in Antarctica right now?

There is one point that it shows that it is, and it appears if there is no protective layer on it. If it has a protective layer applied, then we do not perceive the place where it is. It was taken there. This place has a good name for those people who gave it that name. This is a place with access to very high technology from other planets. There are still cities underground with high technology there. Remember one more thing. People often talk about different manifestations, sometimes with negative energies. Remember – no physical person has such strength and power. They may want and feel that they will do something. The energy of Light is above all of this.

When you go through all the difficult stories that are written on this Earth, you will feel that the Ark is already at home, not in the Pyramid, but very … very high up. It now resonates as if it was already in space, in this stone place. Your eyes cannot see it, but there is a very high energy around this place and it spreads so, that it is also in the center of this chamber and where this stone sarcophagus stands.

What do you mean when you say the Ark will be on a much higher plane, on a higher level. Will it be taken from Earth somewhere? What does “high … high” mean?

I said that at this point I cannot provide the information exactly where. Let me say it again: very … very high.

It was said (in what Isis had previously said) “very … very high” but she added “but we will still see”. So as if they were expecting that it should be completed in front of people in this place.

“Very … very high” that is, to some other universe? Maybe to the Supreme?

It was said that if the Ark merges with the Pyramid and all the pyramid sites – it means humanity is approaching the time when it is ready for the Fifth Dimension.

Is she ever going to be physically transferred to a sarcophagus?

There is such a device that it acts through you as if it was physically inside, but the time and place for it is much … much higher.

But you once said that the golden bars were to be physically placed in it.

We received the placing of the bars through Christian. We want, when the important places and knowledge and objects that were in the heyday of Egypt are revealed, that then, very officially, you convey the gift that is in the land of Egypt.

Are you talking about the bars?

Yes. We wanted it to physically appear and that it could be completed, but we are looking at what is happening and it’s safer for it to be in a place we know.

I listened to your conversation today, Andrzej. It was said that the Ark was in Mecca and was later transported away and that people had died there. Andrew – you talked about The Keys of Enoch. Hurtak wrote that there is a “black cube” and that it is the negative. It’s not a chest. Can you imagine that today’s Pope would give up the Ark even in agreement with an Orthodox man? I think these people wanted to scare a little, they wanted to be important and that everyone should talk about them. They have access to many things in Antarctica, to generation equipment that is not yet available on Earth. Now they have access to it, but they don’t have the real Ark.


What are the Foundation’s closest tasks? What are we supposed to do physically to help Planet Earth transition to the Fifth Dimension?

St. Germain:
You should run more of this place where people come in and read about you, about the Foundation. It should be full of photos, stories, statements, so that people can feel in it that they participate in something great and beautiful. Now is a very interesting time. It is a very individual time. It is here that you gather yourself to raise it even higher, and everything that will happen around you, outside of you, should not affect your activity as if you did not notice it – even though you function in it. It is time to perfect yourself, in the energy of Light, in the energy of balance, in the energy of love.

Mary Magdalene:
I am asking you as a group – to meet more often. It doesn’t matter if someone was in Egypt or not. Those people who want to meet each other for at least 1-2 days. I am asking you to meet, so that you can trust each other, get back, help each other just like that. Sit by the fire, in the sun. Let you know that you can count on your brothers and sisters at any moment.

Are there any physical moves in the sense of trips or searching for the Ark we could anticipate?

I am asking you to do in the year 2023 Earth time – as you call it – “workshops” with today’s Hurtak and also with the people you choose. Let it be a meeting, a celebration for people, for all those who will be able to come. And do it in a beautiful place in nature.

So this year 2022 would be dedicated exclusively to working on ourselves. The first “physical action” would be a conference with the Hurtaks.

What does the logo of the Wisdom of Nations mean? It was created in the time of Lucyna Łobos. What is the symbolism of this?

The logo is continuous with the previous Foundation. Enki was very supportive of it. It means, in a way, to anoint you with energy that comes from Beings who have chosen to help you. It is the energy of water, air and love. It is completely different from everyone else. You must have liked it very much, that’s why it was accepted. Everything is in it. When you look at this logo, you see a fish-man in this pattern. They are those who wanted to help people, and now you are helping others. The Earth and the universe chose you for these activities, for the Light that emanates from Poland. After all, so many different forces try to disrupt it.

What is the ultimate goal of our Foundation?

St. Germain:
Passing on knowledge to people … explaining the truth about the Ark … Opening the Chamber, the passage on the Giza Plateau, but most of all – the gift of Light and Love for every person who is ready for it. Please, go to the people and I am asking you to join forces with Hurtak, because you are going the same way.

Is there any “physicality” that we can strive for? For example, finding the Ark may have been the Foundation’s ultimate goal. The goal that Isis, Jesus, and our other Friends talk about, are spiritual and intellectual goals. But let’s take, for example, research around the Second Sphinx could be such a target?

Well, I am waiting for your research so that people will finally find out about the Second Sphinx. I think Reda is also waiting for them.

I understand that the Second Sphinx could be a “physical” target. Just from what I know about politics in Egypt, “Hawass’s children” (meaning his henchmen) still control this area. However, when it comes to Hawara, it seems that we have to wait all the time for the “sandquake”, which is to reveal at least part of the Herodotus Labyrinth … But we still do not know when it will happen.


You have spoken so often about an EVENT. When is this EVENT going to happen because you, Isis, used to tell that 2019, 20, 21, 22 would be that time. Now what does it look like?

Andrzej, it is difficult for us to talk about your earthly time, but it is not a matter of time… people’s time. We are still waiting. It all shifts – though not that much. First, we wanted to give you your 6 earthly months, so that you would have time for yourself, so that everyone could prepare himself, as he/she would like to be in the most beautiful light. Today we recognize that more space needs to be given, that this is too short a time limit for you humans. We want to give you about 500 Earth days so that you can be the highest vibration of energy… and that you can move to where the space of the New Earth will be. This is the goal.

I asked Jeshua a question, are we really right now – as Dr. Hurtak says in The Keys of Enoch – in the Plague IV Apocalypse? Is it really what is going to happen in nature and in the world this time described there?

Hurtak is our Light Guide. Please, assume that what he says is true. Isis said that you should think about yourself, develop yourself even if there is a powerful storm or other situations around you. Please do this. It is a difficult time for both people and the Planet. But please remember that you are always under the protection of the Light and you will see this space that is described at the end when everything becomes beautiful… beautiful crystals that vibrate with the highest energy. Please, let there be no fear, no feeling of loneliness. Please be fully and feel that you are doing the most important EVENT of all your lives.


How do you see all this Covid policy and all that is happening in the world right now? What does this lead to? How will it end?

There was an answer in my reply about those 500 days. That is why we are giving you a larger time space, because what is happening outside of you is very disturbing and difficult for you. And you need a little more time to get this Light of your High Vibration.


How would you rate the Conference “Pyramids and Cosmos” that took place in Wrocław, Poland? What was it needed for?

Andrzej, we said that this is the next step. The Conference was for those people who encountered such information for the first time, but it was also for those who felt their fulfillment in themselves. Who felt that they knew why they chose this life for the most important time for themselves and their loved ones. They felt that they resonated just like the lecturers who were there. All those who were to go to the Pyramid of Love and who was at this Conference, we supported him/her to be even stronger, and full of Light. And those who could not come with you, even though there were many people, supported you from a distance.

Was what Dr. J.J. Hurtak presented at the Conference on Hydraulic Systems Under the Pyramids – is it really a fact?

Yes. That’s exactly what these systems are for. Today’s Hurtak has this knowledge.

You have spoken so often about the movement of the sands in Egypt. Does it have anything to do with this hydraulic system?

And with the hydraulic system and with access to artifacts and knowledge, because then no one will be able to mention false dates regarding the origin of these places and deceive people. The world would have to agree with facts and knowledge. It will come, Andrzej … it will … Sometimes, in some places it will be quite difficult. Therefore, I am asking you to perfect yourselves and that no anomaly in nature or climate may cause your vibrations to collapse. I am asking you to do this.

How do you rate Dr. Korotkov from Russia?

For us, he is the same person as Hurtak and Desiree. He is a valuable scientist who has a lot of knowledge and an intuitive view at the same time. I think both are valuable people and you should keep friendly contacts with them.

I admire his determination to come to Wrocław for the Conference. After all, he was flying to us from St. Petersburg via Los Angeles and Frankfurt. He argued that it was the “safest” route in the era of restrictions for Russians as far as Poland was concerned.


What significance for our entire project was the trip to Guatemala, to the La Danta pyramid in the El-Mirador complex, and to all those places visited in October 2012? How did this affect what happened in 2012?

The group of Light was to proceed to the main destination, the La Danta pyramid. These were places that were waiting to be opened so that the Christ Consciousness could be in every person who is ready for it. This is the highest vibration. Some unnecessarily associate it with religions, but this is the highest vibration of love and Light. That was the goal, but there were also beautiful places of energy, the drainage of souls. I think it should also be mentioned that it was a collaboration of a group of people who had a task to do. We wanted to see you working together. Can you do it? It is completely different when you go somewhere with the two of you, and here in difficult conditions, often dangerous – you managed. Through the jungle in Guatemala – Guatemalans say that the name “Guatemaya” brings good luck and they are right. You were walking through the corridor of Light. First of all – you were supposed to visit places of extraordinary energy. You were to do a meditation in these places that would connect you with all the energies of this place of highest vibration. You were supposed to experience and feel that it was a selected group of people who were ready for this trip. You had trouble with one person, but this man was just not coping – it was too much for him, it was too hard for him. These places where you have been, through your departure, were to protect people in different hemispheres from all negative energies. There, in some places, forces struggled with each other: some light, some dark, but the Light has been always winning and it won. Moving with you was a great number of souls that passed into the Light. Thousands… thousands of souls escorted to Light by Danuta, Piotr and Iwona. We would not allow this beautiful land with wonderful people to be destroyed. Your goal was this: a group of Light from Poland is to go to these places, to receive the Highest Energy of these and other places – and to come back here. These places were to be “shifted”. It wasn’t about polarity reversal. A “shift” from those times and events when heads or hearts fell down the stairs of the pyramids in Mexico, in the history of the Mayas, Incas and Aztecs. These events were supposed to be reversed by you. A group of eleven – actually ten – though eleven or twelve, one might say, supported you, and many others supported – were to reverse the difficult events that had taken place. The thousands who died, millions changed into the energy of Light. The group was to lead thousands … thousands … thousands … thousands … thousands … thousands … thousands … beings into the energy of Light. And that’s how it happened. You came back … you have become people of even fuller Light, and I very much want you to go on as a group of beautiful, luminous Beings, those who want to work with each other, meet, enjoy, meditate, dance, swim and whatever else you wish. If any of these Beings decided that they do not want to be together – they have the right to do so. Respect it. Meet those who want to be together … with you.

Well… such an answer I would not expect… That it was not about the polarity of the Earth, it was about “turning” the negative aspect into Light and positive. Turning all these places into places of Light. I remember at some point near the island of Uros, waves appeared. We also needed help at the La Danta pyramid and at one point Jeshua showed up. I’ve seen him. He said that he came to support us because we are a bit weaker, so we need some strength and power.


I wanted to ask about the Sphinx. What are the structures under the Sphinx? What is there? What’s in there? I’m talking about this “normal” Sphinx, of course?

Andrzej, there are chambers under the Sphinx. You walk between the paw of the Sphinx, through it. There are tunnels that are the connection between the Sphinx and the Pyramid. Some from the Egyptian group that made it hard for you know, what will happen. That is why you have been disturbed so much.

Are there any structures under the Second Sphinx, i.e. corridors, shafts? Is there something there?

The Second Sphinx was put in place for balance and energy to protect this place. It is the Sphinx on Earth – that’s what you can call him. There are rooms there, but the most important ones are under the main Sphinx. There are rooms by the Sphinx that your Reda found. This first and most important Sphinx is a place that opens up other spaces. It’s like going from one dimension to dimensions several times higher. The Sphinx stood not far from the Temple of Isis, which is no longer there. It leaves a beautiful, vibrating energy that, if you stand in the right place, will start to lift you.


You said that thanks to our meditation, the Great Pyramid was activated, “awakened.” At the same time, all the pyramids were activated as a result of this meditation. The question is: has anything changed on Planet Earth due to this activated energy? How can people feel this?

Pyramid sites give extraordinary energy, but as we said before about the group that went there in year two zero one two (2012) and turned (maybe not “unscrewed”) places. There are places of the pyramids that are very much dumped of various human trash. Sometimes they are in nature, hidden like this pyramid in Bosnia, and some are invisible. Some are still to be found. Through their merger, they regained the same power. Each has the same power. There is no longer situation that one has less vibration and another more. And the energy that flowed from these pyramids into the space of people raises their vibrations higher and higher every day. And the energy of Love and Light was activated, so that it could cause an EVENT and raise the vibrations of people … because the next step is already the Fifth Dimension.

Yes, but there is huge, gigantic resistance from the political system. From everything that enslaves a man. Two energies clash: the energy of the pyramids and the energy of confrontation. How do you see it, Isis?

These dark energies – they keep their heads up, but it’s about awakened human beings. If it is a huge number of people, and we only need so little, it is a victory for the Light. One hundred forty-four thousand Beings of Light, not billions, is enough.

It is interesting that this number is mentioned in many places.

Do any of our Friends understand Polish poet’s, Adam Mickiewicz prophecy: “And his name is forty and four”?

Eight is infinity, but his name is “one hundred and forty-four.”

So Mickiewicz missed the number one hundred …

Your national bard, as you call him, had many visions. He felt that it was very important, that it had to be carried over to the next beings that would come after him: “and his name is one hundred and forty-four.”

So Isis says that one hundred and forty-four thousand light beings, that is, people with high vibrations, like …

… will wake up, it will come to an EVENT, but that doesn’t mean all these billions (I don’t know how many billions of us are there?) will go the same way.

It seems to me that there should be more awakened people on earth than the 144,000? If you and I are awake, there can be a lot of people like us …

Andrzej, now yes. After activating the Great Pyramid and all the pyramids, all information is now available to everyone.

Can we expect any contact with extraterrestrials?

Yes. Therefore, remember this request of ours.


How do our Friends rate the book of Anna?

Mary Magdalene:
Andrzej, I am very happy, I think we are all happy with you that such a book has been published for children, for young people with beautiful energy. May Anna, the author of this book, be doing great. There are many books written with love, and she wanted to convey the vibrations of the energy of the Light. We should thank the kids that they are. Thank you for being there.


Is the conflict on the Ukrainian-Russian border something dangerous for us?

St. Germain:
Andrzej, everything is under control for now. Nothing serious should come of this. Russia knows that it should not do it, but we are trying to watch over these places, because they have been difficult lately. This is more a show of strength.

What is happening now at the eastern border with Poland is not that bad, but the things that will appear during these several hundred days (500 days) will be more difficult, but not like these. They will be more difficult because they will prevent people from knowing what is happening with nature, what is happening with events related to nature. But I am asking you to work on yourselves. I don’t want you to think of it as frightening or scaring you – absolutely not. I am asking for Light and Love for yourself, and I am asking you to look for people. I say this to those who will read it someday. Look for people who give you joy, give you light and love, give you friendship, give you faith in friendship. Look for such people and be with them. They are friends, and this will constitute the support for each other.

As I write about it, some people will find it hard to believe that we are talking to St. Germain or with Jesus as a friend with a friend. It will be difficult for them to understand.

But it has long been said that we should not treat them as Very High Beings, but as Friendly Beings. We feel their greatness, but they also want us to feel strong enough to talk to the Beautiful Beings. This is important because Isis speaks once again.

Remember to be completely calm as if you are sitting and watching a movie of what is happening around you, or whatever you perceive or perceive or talk about, but that should not affect you.


Are any Trees of Life on Earth already or will they just appear?

Andrew, the Trees of Life are already on Earth, but any information will be passed after the time two zero two seven (2027). Not earlier. They have been sown.

So it will be a while before we get to the Fifth Dimension.

With time it’s just like they say – if people speed up, that time will come closer.


Jeshua, what was your first language: Aramaic or Hebrew?

Andrzej, I approached languages ​​in such a way that they were all equal for me. My first was Aramaic. I should add “earthly Aramaic.”

Thank you … I thought so.

I assume that if Jesus was in India, He must have known many languages.

When we talk about the places I have been, I should say that there are fewer places where I have not been, where I have not visited, than there are where I have reached. I was everywhere I wanted to be.

What means of transport did you use?

I was moving.

Ah … ok … I get it. So it was a kind of translocation …

We sometimes traveled with normal people using horses, but that’s because we wanted to travel a bit with them. But normally I was on my own.

So you were physically able to cover some distance very quickly?

Yes. Or I could be in several places at once …



Have we all had these abilities and have we lost them?

But this loss is only temporary.

Since your meeting at Cana in Galilee, have you become such a “normal” man of flesh and blood?

Only as a human I could experience certain things.

Remember, when it was said that when Mary Magdalene was in Languedoc, the people who lived around her very often saw a man who appeared there. It was not known where he was coming from, it was not known when he was leaving – and they had seen him. They called him an “old man”. But Jeshua could not appear as the man of his time then, because then he would have been several dozen years younger than Mary Magdalene, so he would appear as someone similar to her age, as an older man. He would appear there, he must have come, arrive this way.

But then he was not alive…

As Jeshua he was not alive, but appeared. He just took some form, some body, and he appeared. Apparently there are some records on this. The record is that Mary Magdalene was friendly with some “old man” who appeared from nowhere and people saw him.

You have Jesus next to you, so ask him if it’s true?

I don’t see any reaction to the fact that it is not true, because I am looking at his silhouette, his face. They smile and nod their head. And the blue apples that Mary Magdalene and the Cathars spoke about – they were said to be “blue apples”, and these are the Cintamani stones that the Cathars had received from the Templars. Look, already then … 700 years ago. And we put these stones in so many places. I had everything drawn out where, which stone. We took it to the oldest oak on the border with Germany, Joanna took it to the Białowieża Forest, girls left it under the Bartek oak, at the Twardowski Golden Gate, at the Golden Gate in Gdańsk, in Lublin by the Sphinx, by the lions. We left maybe 30 or 50 stones – if you count the private ones. We left 3 stones in Egypt.


Scientists say that about 12,000 years have passed since the last glaciation and the Earth’s polarity inversion. Now we are supposed to live in these times. Many scientists believe that these polarity reversals happen more or less every so many years, which means that it looks as if we are in danger of another cataclysm. So I understand that through our actions we prevented in some way what could have happened?

It seems that is right. Hurtak calls it the Fifth and Sixth Scourges linked together. This is where some anomalies in nature are to occur. There has to be something they said we are supposed to “be calm”, we are supposed to stay calm somehow. It looks like something is going to happen, maybe not as much as it was 12,000 years ago, but to a much more delicate degree, though it may look very threatening. I say so, but if I see any reaction from them – they will tell me. For example, if I repeat a word, it means that they corrected me because I said otherwise.


The Polish guardian is the Mother of Jesus. Maybe that is why we do not have such problems with covid in Poland as Germany, France, Austria not to mention Australia or Canada.

I was wondering for a moment when I felt this very sound – who connects us? I didn’t know who turned up because no one identified themselves. But when this fragrance itself arises, it is usually said that some very High Being appears. Usually, when it is scent of rose, it is said to be Our Lady. Quite possible. None of them said anything.


Metatron … Isis … Mary Magdalene … Anubis … Jeshua … St. Germain … Dear Iwona… thank you very much for your care, for your help, for guiding us, for being here. Thank you for watching over us, for your support and help that you lead us to the way of the Light. Please provide further tips, further advice and thank you for your beautiful friendship and love. Thank you very much and happy. We also thank the beautiful Being of Light who appeared … – and yet! Jeshua says:

A very close person appeared to me. The two closest I have…

Well… it is Our Lady … Let me tell you that they are really lovely in this directness, in this conversation … In that you talk to them like you do with good friends.

To the next meeting…


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